Jens Wendelstorf:     Complex systems

5. Complex adaptive systems

During the laset hundred years, the reductionistic approach in natural science led to fundamental changes in society and technology. Additionally, science got fragmentated by extensive specialization. Today, some (holistic thinking) scientists made themselves to assemble the puzzle again. The objective is understanding and modelling of complex adaptive systems.
This area is not supported by science funding agencies, but I tried to interest a broader public in the topic:

Complexity - the fate of modern science?
Lecture, IHK Braunschweig, 5.7.1997 (in german)

Hyperlinks on comlexity research:

One of the terms, emerging thereby, is that of fractals:
Take a view of the Mandelbrot set!
[ MPEG1-movie, 1.64 MB ]

Last modified: 10.10.1998